Nicole Brenez

Nicole Brenez teaches Cinema Studies at the University of Paris 3-Sorbonne Nouvelle. She is the Director of the Analysis & Culture Department at the Femis and Curator of the avant-garde sessions at the Cinémathèque française. A graduate of the Ecole Normale Supérieure, specializing in Modern Literature, she was a Senior Member of the Institut Universitaire de France (2011-2016).

With the filmmaker Philippe Grandrieux, she produces the film collection “It May Be That Beauty Has Strengthened Our Resolve”, devoted to revolutionary filmmakers forgotten or neglected by the histories of cinema.

She worked with Jean-Luc Godard (2015 - present, Le Livre d’image, Special Golden Palm, Cannes Film Festival, 2018), Jacques Kebadian (2016 - present), Jean-Gabriel Périot and Chantal Akerman.

Among her personal publications are: De la Figure en général et du Corps en particulier. L'invention figurative au cinéma (1998), Abel Ferrara (2007), Traitement du Lumpenproletariat par le cinéma d’avant-garde (2007), Cinéma d'avant-garde Mode d'emploi (2012), “‘We support everything since the dawn of time that has struggled and still struggles.’ Introduction to lettrist cinema” (2015) and Jean-Luc Godard théoricien des images (2015).

Nicole Brenez has edited La Vie nouvelle/nouvelle Vision (2004), Jean-Luc Godard : Documents (2006), Biotope de João Tabarra (2015), Clarisse Hahn. Politics of Presence (2018), and Jocelyne Saab. Zones of War (2018 – Prix du meilleur livre de cinéma, FILAF 2019). She has also been editor or co-editor of: Jeune, dure et pure. Une histoire du cinéma d’avant-garde et expérimental en France (2001), Jean-Luc Godard : Documents (2006), Jean Epstein. Bonjour Cinéma und andere Schriften zum Kino (2008), Le cinéma critique. De l’argentique au numérique, voies et formes de l’objection visuelle (2010), Cinémas libertaires : “Au service des forces de transgression et de révolte” (2015) and Raymonde Carasco et Régis Hébraud À L’Œuvre (2016).

She is the scientific editor or co-editor of the writings of Masao Adachi (Rouge profond, 2012), Jean Epstein and Edouard de Laurot.




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